The Summit of the Future is a pivotal gathering uniting leaders from across the globe to redefine our path towards a brighter present and a more secure tomorrow.A global event, the Summit of the Future, is happening in New York as part of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79).
World leaders adopt a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations, is an agreement that aims to address a range of global challenges, including human rights, and conflict resolution.
A significant element of the Pact is its emphasis on inclusivity, particularly regarding the rights and empowerment of women. This Pact builds on earlier commitments to gender equality, such as the Beijing Declaration, and seeks to ensure women's active involvement in shaping future policies and solutions.
While the pact is ambitious, its implementation remains non-binding, raising questions about how effectively its promises will be carried out. Nonetheless, it represents an important step toward securing a more inclusive and equitable future for women worldwide.
“I am honored to be among the participants in this high-level dialogue and I am very grateful to all our many active female voices for continued work to create impact for future generations”-, says Zoryana Golovata, Executive Director Women’s Voice in Action.